After the payment is confirmed, ships within 5 days (excluding weekends and holidays)
* It will end as soon as the number is limited.
* If you purchase a product with a different delivery time, you will receive a separate shipping fee (payment in the same cart is possible).
International Shipping Available
身丈(前):40cm / 身丈(後):49.5cm
身幅:55cm / 肩幅:41cm 袖丈:59cm
表地:ポリエステル 100%
裏地:ポリエステル 100%
《 洗濯時の注意点 》
・雨などで水に濡れた際は、 水分を拭き取りドライヤーなどの熱で乾かしながら ブラッシングで整えて下さい。
※火気や熱に弱いのでストーブやたばこライターなど 火気の近くで着用する場合は充分にご注意下さい。
※ボタン部分は手縫いの為、大変取れやすくなっております。 ボタンを外す時は服を引っ張らず、ボタンを持って外して下さい。
You can use the payment method below.
* Credit card (VISA/Master/American Express/JCB)
* Apple Pay/Google Pay
* PAIDY (paid the following month)
・ What is postpaid the next month?
Through Paidy, it is a payment method that allows you to pay the amount of use for one month and pay by convenience store or bank transfer by the 10th of the following month.
All you need is an email address and a mobile phone number, so anyone can use it easily because no pre -registration or credit card is required.
We will notify you on events like Low stock, Restock, Price drop or general reminders so that you don’t miss the deal